
1. Building Kyuubi

1.1. Building Kyuubi with Apache Maven

Kyuubi is built based on Apache Maven,

./build/mvn clean package -DskipTests

This results in the creation of all sub-modules of Kyuubi project without running any unit test.

If you want to test it manually, you can start Kyuubi directly from the Kyuubi project root by running

bin/kyuubi start

1.2. Building a Submodule Individually

For instance, you can build the Kyuubi Common module using:

build/mvn clean package -pl kyuubi-common -DskipTests

1.3. Building Submodules Individually

For instance, you can build the Kyuubi Common module using:

build/mvn clean package -pl kyuubi-common,kyuubi-ha -DskipTests

1.4. Skipping Some modules

For instance, you can build the Kyuubi modules without Kyuubi Codecov and Assembly modules using:

mvn clean install -pl '!dev/kyuubi-codecov,!kyuubi-assembly' -DskipTests

1.5. Building Kyuubi against Different Apache Spark versions

Since v1.1.0, Kyuubi support building with different Spark profiles,

Profile Default Since
-Pspark-3.0 Yes 1.0.0
-Pspark-3.1 No 1.1.0

1.6. Building with Apache dlcdn site

By default, we use https://archive.apache.org/dist/ to download the built-in release packages of engines, such as Spark or Flink. But sometimes, you may find it hard to reach, or the download speed is too slow, then you can define the apache.archive.dist by -Pmirror-cdn to accelerate to download speed. For example,

build/mvn clean package -Pmirror-cdn

The profile migrates your download repo to the Apache offically suggested site - https://dlcdn.apache.org. Note that, this site only holds the latest versions of Apache releases. You may fail if the specific version defined by spark.version or flink.version is overdue.