Note that: now the api version is v1 and the base uri is /api/v1.

Batch Resource#

GET /batches#

Returns all the batches.

Request Parameters#

Name Description Type
batchType The batch type, such as spark/flink, if no batchType is specified,
return all types
batchState The valid batch state can be one of the following:
batchUser The user name that created the batch String
createTime Return the batch that created after this timestamp Long
endTime Return the batch that ended before this timestamp Long
from The start index to fetch sessions Int
size Number of sessions to fetch Int

Response Body#

Name Description Type
from The start index of fetched sessions Int
total Number of sessions fetched Int
batches Batch List List

POST /batches#

Request Body#

Name Description Type
batchType The batch type, such as Spark, Flink String
resource The resource containing the application to execute Path (required)
className Application main class String(required)
name The name of this batch. String
conf Configuration properties Map of key=val
args Command line arguments for the application List of Strings

Response Body#

The created Batch object.

GET /batches/{batchId}#

Returns the batch information.

Response Body#

The Batch.

DELETE /batches/${batchId}#

Kill the batch if it is still running.

Request Parameters#

Name Description Type
hive.server2.proxy.user the proxy user to impersonate String(optional)

Response Body#

Name Description Type
success Whether killed the batch successfully Boolean
msg The kill batch message String

GET /batches/${batchId}/localLog#

Gets the local log lines from this batch.

Request Parameters#

Name Description Type
from Offset Int
size Max number of log lines to return Int

Response Body#

Name Description Type
logRowSet The log lines List of sting
rowCount The log row count Int


Name Description Type
id The batch id String
user The user created the batch String
batchType The batch type String
name The batch name String
appId The batch application Id String
appUrl The batch application tracking url String
appState The batch application state String
appDiagnostic The batch application diagnostic String
kyuubiInstance The kyuubi instance that created the batch String
state The kyuubi batch operation state String
createTime The batch create time Long
endTime The batch end time, if it has not been terminated, the value is 0 Long