.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at .. http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. TPC-H ===== The TPC-H is a decision support benchmark. It consists of a suite of business oriented ad-hoc queries and concurrent data modifications. The queries and the data populating the database have been chosen to have broad industry-wide relevance. .. tip:: This article assumes that you have mastered the basic knowledge and operation of `TPC-H`_. For the knowledge about TPC-H not mentioned in this article, you can obtain it from its `Official Documentation`_. This connector can be used to test the capabilities and query syntax of Spark without configuring access to an external data source. When you query a TPC-H table, the connector generates the data on the fly using a deterministic algorithm. Goto `Try Kyuubi`_ to explore TPC-H data instantly! TPC-H Integration ------------------ To enable the integration of kyuubi spark sql engine and TPC-H through Apache Spark Datasource V2 and Catalog APIs, you need to: - Referencing the TPC-H connector :ref:`dependencies` - Setting the spark catalog :ref:`configurations` .. _spark-tpch-deps: Dependencies ************ The **classpath** of kyuubi spark sql engine with TPC-H supported consists of 1. kyuubi-spark-sql-engine-\ |release|\ _2.12.jar, the engine jar deployed with Kyuubi distributions 2. a copy of spark distribution 3. kyuubi-spark-connector-tpch-\ |release|\ _2.12.jar, which can be found in the `Maven Central`_ In order to make the TPC-H connector package visible for the runtime classpath of engines, we can use one of these methods: 1. Put the TPC-H connector package into ``$SPARK_HOME/jars`` directly 2. Set spark.jars=kyuubi-spark-connector-tpch-\ |release|\ _2.12.jar .. _spark-tpch-conf: Configurations ************** To add TPC-H tables as a catalog, we can set the following configurations in ``$SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf``: .. code-block:: properties # (required) Register a catalog named `tpch` for the spark engine. spark.sql.catalog.tpch=org.apache.kyuubi.spark.connector.tpch.TPCHCatalog # (optional) Excluded database list from the catalog, all available databases are: # sf0, tiny, sf1, sf10, sf30, sf100, sf300, sf1000, sf3000, sf10000, sf30000, sf100000. spark.sql.catalog.tpch.excludeDatabases=sf10000,sf30000 # (optional) When true, use CHAR/VARCHAR, otherwise use STRING. It affects output of the table schema, # e.g. `SHOW CREATE TABLE `, `DESC
`. spark.sql.catalog.tpch.useAnsiStringType=false # (optional) Maximum bytes per task, consider reducing it if you want higher parallelism. spark.sql.catalog.tpch.read.maxPartitionBytes=128m TPC-H Operations ---------------- Listing databases under `tpch` catalog. .. code-block:: sql SHOW DATABASES IN tpch; Listing tables under `tpch.sf1` database. .. code-block:: sql SHOW TABLES IN tpch.sf1; Switch current database to `tpch.sf1` and run a query against it. .. code-block:: sql USE tpch.sf1; SELECT * FROM orders; .. _Official Documentation: https://www.tpc.org/tpch/ .. _Try Kyuubi: https://try.kyuubi.cloud/ .. _Maven Central: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/kyuubi/kyuubi-spark-connector-tpch_2.12/