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Monitoring Kyuubi - Server Metrics

2. Monitoring Kyuubi - Server Metrics#

Kyuubi has a configurable metrics system based on the Dropwizard Metrics Library. This allows users to report Kyuubi metrics to a variety of kyuubi.metrics.reporters. The metrics provide instrumentation for specific activities and Kyuubi server.

2.1. Configurations#

The metrics system is configured via $KYUUBI_HOME/conf/kyuubi-defaults.conf.

Key Default Meaning Type Since
Set to true to enable kyuubi metrics system
A comma-separated list for all metrics reporters
  • CONSOLE - ConsoleReporter which outputs measurements to CONSOLE periodically.
  • JMX - JmxReporter which listens for new metrics and exposes them as MBeans.
  • JSON - JsonReporter which outputs measurements to json file periodically.
  • PROMETHEUS - PrometheusReporter which exposes metrics in Prometheus format.
  • SLF4J - Slf4jReporter which outputs measurements to system log periodically.
How often should report metrics to console
How often should report metrics to JSON file
Where the JSON metrics file located
URI context path of prometheus metrics HTTP server
Prometheus metrics HTTP server port
How often should report metrics to SLF4J logger

2.2. Metrics#

These metrics include:

Metrics Prefix Metrics Suffix Type Since Description
kyuubi.exec.pool.threads.alive gauge 1.2.0
threads keepAlive in the backend executive thread pool
kyuubi.exec.pool.threads.active gauge 1.2.0
threads active in the backend executive thread pool
kyuubi.exec.pool.work_queue.size gauge 1.7.0
work queue size in the backend executive thread pool
kyuubi.connection.total counter 1.2.0
cumulative connection count
kyuubi.connection.total ${sessionType} counter 1.7.0
cumulative connection count with session type ${sessionType}
kyuubi.connection.opened gauge 1.2.0
current active connection count
kyuubi.connection.opened ${user} counter 1.2.0
current active connections count requested by a ${user}
kyuubi.connection.opened ${user}
counter 1.7.0
current active connections count requested by a ${user} with session type ${sessionType}
kyuubi.connection.opened ${sessionType} counter 1.7.0
current active connections count with session type ${sessionType}
kyuubi.connection.failed counter 1.2.0
cumulative failed connection count
kyuubi.connection.failed ${user} counter 1.2.0
cumulative failed connections for a ${user}
kyuubi.connection.failed ${sessionType} counter 1.7.0
cumulative failed connection count with session type ${sessionType}
kyuubi.operation.total counter 1.5.0
cumulative opened operation count
kyuubi.operation.total ${operationType} counter 1.5.0
cumulative opened count for the operation ${operationType}
kyuubi.operation.opened gauge 1.5.0
current opened operation count
kyuubi.operation.opened ${operationType} counter 1.5.0
current opened count for the operation ${operationType}
kyuubi.operation.failed ${operationType}
counter 1.5.0
cumulative failed count for the operation ${operationType} with a particular ${errorType}, e.g. execute_statement.AnalysisException
kyuubi.operation.state ${operationState} meter 1.5.0
kyuubi operation state rate
kyuubi.operation.exec_time ${operationType} histogram 1.7.0
execution time histogram for the operation ${operationType}, now only ExecuteStatement is enabled.
kyuubi.engine.total counter 1.2.0
cumulative created engines
kyuubi.engine.timeout counter 1.2.0
cumulative timeout engines
kyuubi.engine.failed ${user} counter 1.2.0
cumulative explicitly failed engine count for a ${user}
kyuubi.engine.failed ${errorType} counter 1.2.0
cumulative explicitly failed engine count for a particular ${errorType}, e.g. ClassNotFoundException
kyuubi.backend_service.open_session timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service openSession method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.close_session timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service closeSession method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.get_info timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service getInfo method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.execute_statement timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service executeStatement method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.get_type_info timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service getTypeInfo method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.get_catalogs timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service getCatalogs method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.get_schemas timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service getSchemas method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.get_tables timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service getTables method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.get_table_types timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service getTableTypes method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.get_columns timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service getColumns method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.get_functions timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service getFunctions method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.get_operation_status timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service getOperationStatus method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.cancel_operation timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service cancelOperation method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.close_operation timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service closeOperation method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.get_result_set_metadata timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service getResultSetMetadata method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.fetch_results timer 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service fetchResults method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.fetch_log_rows_rate meter 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service fetchResults method that fetch log rows rate
kyuubi.backend_service.fetch_result_rows_rate meter 1.5.0
kyuubi backend service fetchResults method that fetch result rows rate
kyuubi.backend_service.get_primary_keys meter 1.6.0
kyuubi backend service get_primary_keys method execution time and rate
kyuubi.backend_service.get_cross_reference meter 1.6.0
kyuubi backend service get_cross_reference method execution time and rate
kyuubi.operation.state ${operationType}
meter 1.6.0
The ${operationType} with a particular ${state} rate, e.g. BatchJobSubmission.pending, BatchJobSubmission.finished. Note that, the terminal states are cumulative, but the intermediate ones are not.
kyuubi.metadata.request.opened counter 1.6.1
current opened count for the metadata requests
kyuubi.metadata.request.total meter 1.6.0
metadata requests time and rate
kyuubi.metadata.request.failed meter 1.6.0
metadata requests failure time and rate
kyuubi.metadata.request.retrying meter 1.6.0
retrying metadata requests time and rate, it is not cumulative

Before v1.5.0, if you use these metrics:

  • kyuubi.statement.total

  • kyuubi.statement.opened

  • kyuubi.statement.failed.${errorType}

Since v1.5.0, you can use the following metrics to replace:

  • kyuubi.operation.total.ExecuteStatement

  • kyuubi.operation.opened.ExecuteStatement

  • kyuubi.operation.failed.ExecuteStatement.${errorType}