Note that: now the api version is v1 and the base uri is /api/v1
Session Resource#
GET /sessions#
Get the list of all live sessions
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
identifier | The session identifier | String |
user | The user name that created the session | String |
ipAddr | The client IP address that created the session | String |
conf | The configuration of the session | Map |
createTime | The session that created at this timestamp | Long |
duration | The interval that last access time subtract created time | Long |
idleTime | The interval of no operation | Long |
GET /sessions/${sessionHandle}#
Get a session event
Response Body#
The KyuubiSessionEvent.
GET /sessions/${sessionHandle}/info/${infoType}#
Get an information detail of a session
Request Parameters#
Name | Description | Type |
infoType | The id of Hive Thrift GetInfo | Int |
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
infoType | The type of session information | String |
infoValue | The value of session information | String |
GET /sessions/count#
Get the current open session count
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
openSessionCount | The count of opening session | Int |
GET /sessions/execPool/statistic#
Get statistic info of background executors
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
execPoolSize | The current number of threads in the pool | Int |
execPoolActiveCount | The approximate number of threads that are actively executing tasks | Int |
POST /sessions#
Create a session
Request Parameters#
Name | Description | Type |
configs | The configuration of the session | Map |
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
identifier | The session handle identifier | String |
kyuubiInstance | The Kyuubi instance that holds the session and to call for the following operations in the session | String |
DELETE /sessions/${sessionHandle}#
Close a session.
POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/statement#
Create an operation with EXECUTE_STATEMENT type
Request Body#
Name | Description | Type |
statement | The SQL statement that you execute | String |
runAsync | The flag indicates whether the query runs synchronously or not | Boolean |
queryTimeout | The interval of query time out | Long |
confOverlay | The conf to overlay only for current operation | Map of key=val |
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
identifier | The identifier of operation | String |
POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/typeInfo#
Create an operation with GET_TYPE_INFO type
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
identifier | The identifier of operation | String |
POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/catalogs#
Create an operation with GET_CATALOGS type
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
identifier | The identifier of operation | String |
POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/schemas#
Create an operation with GET_SCHEMAS type
Request Body#
Name | Description | Type |
catalogName | The catalog name | String |
schemaName | The schema name | String |
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
identifier | The identifier of operation | String |
POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/tables#
Request Body#
Name | Description | Type |
catalogName | The catalog name | String |
schemaName | The schema name | String |
tableName | The table name | String |
tableTypes | The type of table, for example: TABLE or VIEW | String |
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
identifier | The identifier of operation | String |
POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/tableTypes#
Request Parameters#
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
identifier | The identifier of operation | String |
POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/columns#
Request Body#
Name | Description | Type |
catalogName | The catalog name | String |
schemaName | The schema name | String |
tableName | The table name | String |
columnName | The column name | String |
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
identifier | The identifier of operation | String |
POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/functions#
Request Body#
Name | Description | Type |
catalogName | The catalog name | String |
schemaName | The schema name | String |
functionName | The function name | String |
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
identifier | The identifier of operation | String |
POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/primaryKeys#
Request Parameters#
Name | Description | Type |
catalogName | The catalog name | String |
schemaName | The schema name | String |
tableName | The table name | String |
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
identifier | The identifier of operation | String |
POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/crossReference#
Name | Description | Type |
identifier | The identifier of operation | String |
Request Body#
Name | Description | Type |
primaryCatalog | The primary catalog name | String |
primarySchema | The primary schema name | String |
primaryTable | The primary table name | String |
foreignCatalog | The foreign catalog name | String |
foreignSchema | The foreign schema name | String |
foreignTable | The foreign table name | String |
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
identifier | The identifier of operation | String |
Operation Resource#
GET /operations/${operationHandle}/event#
Get the current event of the operation by the specified operation handle.
Response Body#
The KyuubiOperationEvent.
PUT /operations/${operationHandle}#
Perform an action to the pending or running operation.
Request Body#
Name | Description | Type |
action | The action that is performed to the operation. Currently, supported actions are 'cancel' and 'close'.
String |
GET /operations/${operationHandle}/resultsetmetadata#
Get the result set schema of the operation by the specified operation handle.
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
columns | The descriptions of columns | List of ColumnDesc |
GET /operations/${operationHandle}/log#
Get a list of operation log lines of the running operation by the specified operation handle.
Request Parameters#
Name | Description | Type |
maxrows | The max row that are pulled each time | Int |
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
logRowSet | The set of log set | List of Strings |
rowCount | The count of log row set | Int |
GET /operations/${operationHandle}/rowset#
Get the operation result as a list of rows by the specified operation handle.
Request Parameters#
Name | Description | Type |
maxrows | The max rows that are pulled each time | Int |
fetchorientation | The orientation of fetch, for example FETCH_NEXT, FETCH_PRIOR, FETCH_FIRST, FETCH_LAST, FETCH_RELATIVE, FETCH_ABSOLUTE | String |
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
rows | The list of rows | List of Rows |
rowCount | The count of rows | Int |
Batch Resource#
GET /batches#
Returns all the batches.
Request Parameters#
Name | Description | Type |
batchType | The batch type, such as spark/flink, if no batchType is specified, return all types |
String |
batchState | The valid batch state can be one of the following: PENDING, RUNNING, FINISHED, ERROR, CANCELED |
String |
batchUser | The user name that created the batch | String |
createTime | Return the batch that created after this timestamp | Long |
endTime | Return the batch that ended before this timestamp | Long |
from | The start index to fetch batches | Int |
size | Number of batches to fetch, 100 by default | Int |
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
from | The start index of fetched batches | Int |
total | Number of batches fetched | Int |
batches | Batch List | List |
POST /batches#
Create a new batch.
Request Body#
Media type:
JSON structure:
Name | Description | Type |
batchType | The batch type, such as Spark, Flink | String |
resource | The resource containing the application to execute | Path (required) |
className | Application main class | String(required) |
name | The name of this batch. | String |
conf | Configuration properties | Map of key=val |
args | Command line arguments for the application | List of Strings |
Response Body#
The created Batch object.
POST /batches (with uploading resource)#
Create a new batch with uploading resource file.
Example of using curl
command to send POST request to /v1/batches
in multipart-formdata
media type with uploading resource file from local path.
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:10099/api/v1/batches' \
--form 'batchRequest="{\"batchType\":\"SPARK\",\"className\":\"org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi\",\"name\":\"Spark Pi\"}";type=application/json' \
--form 'resourceFile=@"/local_path/example.jar"'
Request Body#
Media type:
Request body structure in multiparts:
Name | Description | Media Type |
batchRequest | The batch request in JSON format as request body required in POST /batches | application/json |
resourceFile | The resource to upload and execute, which will be cached on server and cleaned up after execution | File |
Response Body#
The created Batch object.
GET /batches/${batchId}#
Returns the batch information.
Response Body#
The Batch.
DELETE /batches/${batchId}#
Kill the batch if it is still running.
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
success | Whether killed the batch successfully | Boolean |
msg | The kill batch message | String |
GET /batches/${batchId}/localLog#
Gets the local log lines from this batch.
Request Parameters#
Name | Description | Type |
from | Offset | Int |
size | Max number of log lines to return, 100 by default | Int |
Response Body#
Name | Description | Type |
logRowSet | The log lines | List of Strings |
rowCount | The log row count | Int |
Admin Resource#
POST /admin/refresh/hadoop_conf#
Refresh the Hadoop configurations of the Kyuubi server.
POST /admin/refresh/user_defaults_conf#
Refresh the user defaults configs with key in format in the form of ___{username}___.{config key}
from default property file.
POST /admin/refresh/kubernetes_conf#
Refresh the kubernetes configs with key prefixed with kyuubi.kubernetes
from default property file.
It is helpful if you need to support multiple kubernetes contexts and namespaces, see KYUUBI #4843.
DELETE /admin/engine#
Delete the specified engine.
Request Parameters#
Name | Description | Type |
type | the engine type | String(optional) |
sharelevel | the engine share level | String(optional) |
subdomain | the engine subdomain | String(optional) |
proxyUser | the proxy user to impersonate | String(optional) |
hive.server2.proxy.user | the proxy user to impersonate | String(optional) |
is an alternative to hive.server2.proxy.user
, and the current behavior is consistent with
. When both parameters are set, proxyUser
takes precedence.
GET /admin/engine#
Get a list of satisfied engines.
Request Parameters#
Name | Description | Type |
type | the engine type | String(optional) |
sharelevel | the engine share level | String(optional) |
subdomain | the engine subdomain | String(optional) |
proxyUser | the proxy user to impersonate | String(optional) |
hive.server2.proxy.user | the proxy user to impersonate | String(optional) |
is an alternative to hive.server2.proxy.user, and the current behavior is consistent with
hive.server2.proxy.user. When both parameters are set, proxyUser takes precedence.
Response Body#
The Engine List.
REST Objects#
Name | Description | Type |
id | The batch id | String |
user | The user created the batch | String |
batchType | The batch type | String |
name | The batch name | String |
appStartTime | The batch application start time | Long |
appId | The batch application Id | String |
appUrl | The batch application tracking url | String |
appState | The batch application state | String |
appDiagnostic | The batch application diagnostic | String |
kyuubiInstance | The kyuubi instance that created the batch | String |
state | The kyuubi batch operation state | String |
createTime | The batch create time | Long |
endTime | The batch end time, if it has not been terminated, the value is 0 | Long |
Name | Description | Type |
sessionId | The session id | String |
clientVersion | The client version | Int |
sessionType | The session type | String |
sessionName | The session name, if user not specify it, we use empty string instead | String |
user | The session user name | String |
clientIP | The client ip address | String |
serverIP | A unique Kyuubi server id, e.g. kyuubi server ip address and port, it is useful if has multi-instance Kyuubi Server | String |
conf | The session config | Map |
startTime | The session create time | Long |
remoteSessionId | The remote engine session id | String |
engineId | The engine id. For engine on yarn, it is applicationId | String |
openedTime | The session opened time | Long |
endTime | The session end time | Long |
totalOperations | How many queries and meta calls | Int |
exception | The session exception, such as the exception that occur when opening session | Throwable |
eventType | The type of session event | String |
Name | Description | Type |
statementId | The unique identifier of a single operation | String |
remoteId | The unique identifier of a single operation at engine side | String |
statement | The sql that you execute | String |
shouldRunAsync | The flag indicating whether the query runs synchronously or not | Boolean |
state | The current operation state | String |
eventTime | The time when the event created & logged | Long |
createTime | The time for changing to the current operation state | Long |
startTime | The time the query start to time of this operation | Long |
completeTime | Time time the query ends | Long |
exception | Caught exception if have | Throwable |
sessionId | The identifier of the parent session | String |
sessionUser | The authenticated client user | String |
Name | Description | Type |
columnName | The name of the column | String |
dataType | The type descriptor for this column | String |
columnIndex | The index of this column in the schema | Int |
precision | The precision of the column | Int |
scale | The scale of the column | Int |
comment | The comment of the column | String |
Name | Description | Type |
fields | The fields of row | List of Fields |
Name | Description | Type |
dataType | The type of column | String |
value | The value of column | Object |
Name | Description | Type |
version | The version of the Kyuubi server that creates this engine instance | String |
user | The user created the engine | String |
engineType | The engine type | String |
sharelevel | The engine share level | String |
subdomain | The engine subdomain | String |
instance | host:port for the engine node | String |
namespace | The namespace used to expose the engine to KyuubiServers | String |