Building Kyuubi Spark AuthZ Plugin#

Build with Apache Maven#

Kyuubi Spark AuthZ Plugin is built using Apache Maven. To build it, cd to the root direct of kyuubi project and run:

build/mvn clean package -pl :kyuubi-spark-authz_2.12 -am -DskipTests

After a while, if everything goes well, you will get the plugin finally in two parts:

  • The main plugin jar, which is under ./extensions/spark/kyuubi-spark-authz/target/kyuubi-spark-authz_${scala.binary.version}-${project.version}.jar

  • The least transitive dependencies needed, which are under ./extensions/spark/kyuubi-spark-authz/target/scala-${scala.binary.version}/jars

Build shaded jar with Apache Maven#

Apache Kyuubi also provides the shaded jar for the Spark AuthZ plugin, You can run the AuthZ plugin using just a shaded jar without the additional dependency of jars, To build it, cd to the root direct of kyuubi project and run:

build/mvn clean package -pl :kyuubi-spark-authz-shaded_2.12 -am -DskipTests

After a while, if everything goes well, you will get the plugin finally:

  • The shaded AuthZ plugin jar, which is under ./extensions/spark/kyuubi-spark-authz-shaded/target/kyuubi-spark-authz-shaded_${scala.binary.version}-${project.version}.jar

Build against Different Apache Spark Versions#

The maven option spark.version is used for specifying Spark version to compile with and generate corresponding transitive dependencies. By default, it is always built with the latest spark.version defined in kyuubi project main pom file. Sometimes, it may be incompatible with other Spark distributions, then you may need to build the plugin on your own targeting the Spark version you use.

For example,

build/mvn clean package -pl :kyuubi-spark-authz_2.12 -am -DskipTests -Pspark-3.4 -Dspark.version=3.4.1

The available spark.versions are shown in the following table.

Spark Version Supported Remark
master -
3.5.x -
3.4.x -
3.3.x -
3.2.x -
3.1.x x EOL since v1.10.0
3.0.x x EOL since v1.9.0
2.4.x and earlier × PR 2367 is used to track how we work with older releases with scala 2.11

Currently, Spark released with Scala 2.12 are supported.

Build against Different Apache Ranger Versions#

The maven option ranger.version is used for specifying Ranger version to compile with and generate corresponding transitive dependencies. By default, it is always built with the latest ranger.version defined in kyuubi project main pom file. Sometimes, it may be incompatible with other Ranger Admins, then you may need to build the plugin on your own targeting the Ranger Admin version you connect with.

build/mvn clean package -pl :kyuubi-spark-authz_2.12 -am -DskipTests -Dranger.version=2.4.0

The available ranger.versions are shown in the following table.

Ranger Version Supported Remark
2.4.x -
2.3.x -
2.2.x -
2.1.x -
2.0.x -
1.2.x -
1.1.x -
1.0.x -
0.7.x -
0.6.x X KYUUBI-4672 reported unresolved failures.

Currently, all ranger releases are supported.

Test with ScalaTest Maven plugin#

If you omit -DskipTests option in the command above, you will also get all unit tests run.

build/mvn clean package -pl :kyuubi-spark-authz_2.12

If any bug occurs and you want to debug the plugin yourself, you can configure -DdebugForkedProcess=true and -DdebuggerPort=5005(optional).

build/mvn clean package -pl :kyuubi-spark-authz_2.12 -DdebugForkedProcess=true

The tests will suspend at startup and wait for a remote debugger to attach to the configured port.

We will appreciate if you can share the bug or the fix to the Kyuubi community.