Note that: now the api version is v1 and the base uri is /api/v1.


REST API supports the Basic Authentication which relies on Authorization header in HTTP request.

Authorization: Basic <credentials>

The <credentials> value is the Base64 encoded string of username:password. For example, in the case of a user aladdin with the password opensesame, set the Authorization header to Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l as Base64 encoded aladdin:opensesame.

Session Resource#

GET /sessions#

Get the list of all live sessions

Response Body#

Name Description Type
identifier The session identifier String
user The user name that created the session String
ipAddr The client IP address that created the session String
conf The configuration of the session Map
createTime The session that created at this timestamp Long
duration The interval that last access time subtract created time Long
idleTime The interval of no operation Long

GET /sessions/${sessionHandle}#

Get a session event

Response Body#

The KyuubiSessionEvent.

GET /sessions/${sessionHandle}/info/${infoType}#

Get an information detail of a session

Request Parameters#

Name Description Type
infoType The id of Hive Thrift GetInfo Int

Response Body#

Name Description Type
infoType The type of session information String
infoValue The value of session information String

GET /sessions/count#

Get the current open session count

Response Body#

Name Description Type
openSessionCount The count of opening session Int

GET /sessions/execPool/statistic#

Get statistic info of background executors

Response Body#

Name Description Type
execPoolSize The current number of threads in the pool Int
execPoolActiveCount The approximate number of threads that are actively executing tasks Int

POST /sessions#

Create a session

Request Parameters#

Name Description Type
configs The configuration of the session Map

Response Body#

Name Description Type
identifier The session handle identifier String
kyuubiInstance The Kyuubi instance that holds the session and to call for the following operations in the session String

DELETE /sessions/${sessionHandle}#

Close a session.

POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/statement#

Create an operation with EXECUTE_STATEMENT type

Request Body#

Name Description Type
statement The SQL statement that you execute String
runAsync The flag indicates whether the query runs synchronously or not Boolean
queryTimeout The interval of query time out Long
confOverlay The conf to overlay only for current operation Map of key=val

Response Body#

Name Description Type
identifier The identifier of operation String

POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/typeInfo#

Create an operation with GET_TYPE_INFO type

Response Body#

Name Description Type
identifier The identifier of operation String

POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/catalogs#

Create an operation with GET_CATALOGS type

Response Body#

Name Description Type
identifier The identifier of operation String

POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/schemas#

Create an operation with GET_SCHEMAS type

Request Body#

Name Description Type
catalogName The catalog name String
schemaName The schema name String

Response Body#

Name Description Type
identifier The identifier of operation String

POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/tables#

Request Body#

Name Description Type
catalogName The catalog name String
schemaName The schema name String
tableName The table name String
tableTypes The type of table, for example: TABLE or VIEW String

Response Body#

Name Description Type
identifier The identifier of operation String

POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/tableTypes#

Request Parameters#

Response Body#

Name Description Type
identifier The identifier of operation String

POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/columns#

Request Body#

Name Description Type
catalogName The catalog name String
schemaName The schema name String
tableName The table name String
columnName The column name String

Response Body#

Name Description Type
identifier The identifier of operation String

POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/functions#

Request Body#

Name Description Type
catalogName The catalog name String
schemaName The schema name String
functionName The function name String

Response Body#

Name Description Type
identifier The identifier of operation String

POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/primaryKeys#

Request Parameters#

Name Description Type
catalogName The catalog name String
schemaName The schema name String
tableName The table name String

Response Body#

Name Description Type
identifier The identifier of operation String

POST /sessions/${sessionHandle}/operations/crossReference#

Name Description Type
identifier The identifier of operation String

Request Body#

Name Description Type
primaryCatalog The primary catalog name String
primarySchema The primary schema name String
primaryTable The primary table name String
foreignCatalog The foreign catalog name String
foreignSchema The foreign schema name String
foreignTable The foreign table name String

Response Body#

Name Description Type
identifier The identifier of operation String

Operation Resource#

GET /operations/${operationHandle}/event#

Get the current event of the operation by the specified operation handle.

Response Body#

The KyuubiOperationEvent.

PUT /operations/${operationHandle}#

Perform an action to the pending or running operation.

Request Body#

Name Description Type
action The action that is performed to the operation. Currently, supported actions are 'cancel' and 'close'.
  • Cancel: to cancel the operation, which means the operation and its corresponding background task will be stopped, and its state will be switched to CANCELED. A CANCELED operation's status can still be fetched by client requests.
  • Close: to close the operation, which means the operation and its corresponding background task will be stopped, and its state will be switched to CLOSED. A CLOSED operation's status will be removed on the server side and can not be fetched anymore.

    GET /operations/${operationHandle}/resultsetmetadata#

    Get the result set schema of the operation by the specified operation handle.

    Response Body#

    Name Description Type
    columns The descriptions of columns List of ColumnDesc

    GET /operations/${operationHandle}/log#

    Get a list of operation log lines of the running operation by the specified operation handle.

    Request Parameters#

    Name Description Type
    maxrows The max row that are pulled each time Int

    Response Body#

    Name Description Type
    logRowSet The set of log set List of Strings
    rowCount The count of log row set Int

    GET /operations/${operationHandle}/rowset#

    Get the operation result as a list of rows by the specified operation handle.

    Request Parameters#

    Name Description Type
    maxrows The max rows that are pulled each time Int
    fetchorientation The orientation of fetch, for example FETCH_NEXT, FETCH_PRIOR, FETCH_FIRST, FETCH_LAST, FETCH_RELATIVE, FETCH_ABSOLUTE String

    Response Body#

    Name Description Type
    rows The list of rows List of Rows
    rowCount The count of rows Int

    Batch Resource#

    GET /batches#

    Returns all the batches.

    Request Parameters#

    Name Description Type
    batchType The batch type, such as spark/flink, if no batchType is specified,
    return all types
    batchState The valid batch state can be one of the following:
    batchUser The user name that created the batch String
    createTime Return the batch that created after this timestamp Long
    endTime Return the batch that ended before this timestamp Long
    from The start index to fetch batches Int
    size Number of batches to fetch, 100 by default Int
    desc List the batches in descending order, false by default. Boolean

    Response Body#

    Name Description Type
    from The start index of fetched batches Int
    total Number of batches fetched Int
    batches Batch List List

    POST /batches#

    Create a new batch.

    Request Body#

    • Media type: application-json

    • JSON structure:

    Name Description Type
    batchType The batch type, such as Spark, Flink String
    resource The resource containing the application to execute Path (required)
    className Application main class String(required)
    name The name of this batch. String
    conf Configuration properties Map of key=val
    args Command line arguments for the application List of Strings

    Response Body#

    The created Batch object.

    POST /batches (with uploading resource)#

    Create a new batch with uploading resource file.

    Example of using curl command to send POST request to /v1/batches in multipart-formdata media type with uploading resource file from local path.

    curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:10099/api/v1/batches' \
    --form 'batchRequest="{\"batchType\":\"SPARK\",\"className\":\"org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi\",\"name\":\"Spark Pi\"}";type=application/json' \
    --form 'resourceFile=@"/local_path/example.jar"'

    Request Body#

    • Media type: multipart-formdata

    • Request body structure in multiparts:

    Name Description Media Type
    batchRequest The batch request in JSON format as request body required in POST /batches application/json
    resourceFile The resource to upload and execute, which will be cached on server and cleaned up after execution File

    Response Body#

    The created Batch object.

    GET /batches/${batchId}#

    Returns the batch information.

    Response Body#

    The Batch.

    DELETE /batches/${batchId}#

    Kill the batch if it is still running.

    Response Body#

    Name Description Type
    success Whether killed the batch successfully Boolean
    msg The kill batch message String

    GET /batches/${batchId}/localLog#

    Gets the local log lines from this batch.

    Request Parameters#

    Name Description Type
    from Offset Int
    size Max number of log lines to return, 100 by default Int

    Response Body#

    Name Description Type
    logRowSet The log lines List of Strings
    rowCount The log row count Int

    Admin Resource#

    POST /admin/refresh/hadoop_conf#

    Refresh the Hadoop configurations of the Kyuubi server.

    POST /admin/refresh/user_defaults_conf#

    Refresh the user defaults configs with key in format in the form of ___{username}___.{config key} from default property file.

    POST /admin/refresh/kubernetes_conf#

    Refresh the kubernetes configs with key prefixed with kyuubi.kubernetes from default property file.

    It is helpful if you need to support multiple kubernetes contexts and namespaces, see KYUUBI #4843.

    DELETE /admin/engine#

    Delete the specified engine.

    Request Parameters#

    Name Description Type
    type the engine type String(optional)
    sharelevel the engine share level String(optional)
    subdomain the engine subdomain String(optional)
    proxyUser the proxy user to impersonate String(optional)
    hive.server2.proxy.user the proxy user to impersonate String(optional)
    kill whether to kill the engine forcibly. Default value is false. Boolean(optional)

    proxyUser is an alternative to hive.server2.proxy.user, and the current behavior is consistent with hive.server2.proxy.user. When both parameters are set, proxyUser takes precedence.

    GET /admin/engine#

    Get a list of satisfied engines.

    Request Parameters#

    Name Description Type
    type the engine type String(optional)
    sharelevel the engine share level String(optional)
    subdomain the engine subdomain String(optional)
    proxyUser the proxy user to impersonate String(optional)
    hive.server2.proxy.user the proxy user to impersonate String(optional)

    proxyUser is an alternative to hive.server2.proxy.user, and the current behavior is consistent with hive.server2.proxy.user. When both parameters are set, proxyUser takes precedence.

    Response Body#

    The Engine List.

    REST Objects#


    Name Description Type
    id The batch id String
    user The user created the batch String
    batchType The batch type String
    name The batch name String
    appStartTime The batch application start time Long
    appId The batch application Id String
    appUrl The batch application tracking url String
    appState The batch application state String
    appDiagnostic The batch application diagnostic String
    kyuubiInstance The kyuubi instance that created the batch String
    state The kyuubi batch operation state String
    createTime The batch create time Long
    endTime The batch end time, if it has not been terminated, the value is 0 Long


    Name Description Type
    sessionId The session id String
    clientVersion The client version Int
    sessionType The session type String
    sessionName The session name, if user not specify it, we use empty string instead String
    user The session user name String
    clientIP The client ip address String
    serverIP A unique Kyuubi server id, e.g. kyuubi server ip address and port, it is useful if has multi-instance Kyuubi Server String
    conf The session config Map
    startTime The session create time Long
    remoteSessionId The remote engine session id String
    engineId The engine id. For engine on yarn, it is applicationId String
    openedTime The session opened time Long
    endTime The session end time Long
    totalOperations How many queries and meta calls Int
    exception The session exception, such as the exception that occur when opening session Throwable
    eventType The type of session event String


    Name Description Type
    statementId The unique identifier of a single operation String
    remoteId The unique identifier of a single operation at engine side String
    statement The sql that you execute String
    shouldRunAsync The flag indicating whether the query runs synchronously or not Boolean
    state The current operation state String
    eventTime The time when the event created & logged Long
    createTime The time for changing to the current operation state Long
    startTime The time the query start to time of this operation Long
    completeTime Time time the query ends Long
    exception Caught exception if have Throwable
    sessionId The identifier of the parent session String
    sessionUser The authenticated client user String


    Name Description Type
    columnName The name of the column String
    dataType The type descriptor for this column String
    columnIndex The index of this column in the schema Int
    precision The precision of the column Int
    scale The scale of the column Int
    comment The comment of the column String


    Name Description Type
    fields The fields of row List of Fields


    Name Description Type
    dataType The type of column String
    value The value of column Object


    Name Description Type
    version The version of the Kyuubi server that creates this engine instance String
    user The user created the engine String
    engineType The engine type String
    sharelevel The engine share level String
    subdomain The engine subdomain String
    instance host:port for the engine node String
    namespace The namespace used to expose the engine to KyuubiServers String