Kyuubi Migration Guide#

Upgrading from Kyuubi 1.9 to 1.10#

  • Since Kyuubi 1.10, beeline is deprecated and will be removed in the future, please use kyuubi-beeline instead.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.10, the support of Spark engine for Spark 3.1 is removed.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.10, the support of Spark engine for Spark 3.2 is deprecated, and will be removed in the future.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.10, the support of Flink engine for Flink 1.16 is removed.

Upgrading from Kyuubi 1.8 to 1.9#

  • Since Kyuubi 1.9, kyuubi.session.conf.advisor can be set as a sequence, Kyuubi supported chaining SessionConfAdvisors.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.9, the support of Derby is removal for Kyuubi metastore.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.9, the support of Spark SQL engine for Spark 3.1 is deprecated, and will be removed in the future.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.9, the support of Spark extensions for Spark 3.1 is removed, please use Spark 3.2 or higher versions.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.9, kyuubi.frontend.login.timeout, kyuubi.frontend.thrift.login.timeout, kyuubi.frontend.backoff.slot.length, kyuubi.frontend.thrift.backoff.slot.length are removed.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.9, the support of Flink engine for Flink 1.16 is deprecated, and will be removed in the future.

Upgrading from Kyuubi 1.8.0 to 1.8.1#

  • Since Kyuubi 1.8.1, for DELETE /batches/${batchId}, hive.server2.proxy.user is not needed in the request parameters.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.8.1, the default SQLite file kyuubi_state_store.db for Metadata store is located under $KYUUBI_HOME instead of $PWD. To restore previous behavior, set to jdbc:sqlite:kyuubi_state_store.db.

Upgrading from Kyuubi 1.7 to 1.8#

  • Since Kyuubi 1.8, SQLite is added and becomes the default database type of Kyuubi metastore, as Derby has been deprecated. Both Derby and SQLite are mainly for testing purposes, and they’re not supposed to be used in production. To restore previous behavior, set and;create=true.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.8, if the directory of the embedded zookeeper configuration ( & & is a relative path, it is resolved relative to $KYUUBI_HOME instead of $PWD.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.8, PROMETHEUS is changed as the default metrics reporter. To restore previous behavior, set kyuubi.metrics.reporters=JSON.

Upgrading from Kyuubi 1.7.1 to 1.7.2#

  • Since Kyuubi 1.7.2, for Kyuubi BeeLine, please use --python-mode option to run python code or script.

Upgrading from Kyuubi 1.7.0 to 1.7.1#

  • Since Kyuubi 1.7.1, protocolVersion is removed from the request parameters of the REST API Open(create) a session. All removed or unknown parameters will be silently ignored and affects nothing.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.7.1, confOverlay is supported in the request parameters of the REST API Create an operation with EXECUTE_STATEMENT type.

Upgrading from Kyuubi 1.6 to 1.7#

  • In Kyuubi 1.7, kyuubi.ha.zookeeper.engine.auth.type does not fallback to kyuubi.ha.zookeeper.auth.type.
    When Kyuubi engine does Kerberos authentication with Zookeeper, user needs to explicitly set kyuubi.ha.zookeeper.engine.auth.type to KERBEROS.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.7, Kyuubi returns engine’s information for GetInfo request instead of server. To restore the previous behavior, set to SERVER.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.7, Kyuubi session type SQL is refactored to INTERACTIVE, because Kyuubi supports not only SQL session, but also SCALA and PYTHON sessions. User need to use INTERACTIVE sessionType to look up the session event.

  • Since Kyuubi 1.7, the REST API of Open(create) a session will not contain parameters user password and IpAddr. User and password should be set in Authorization of http request if needed.

Upgrading from Kyuubi 1.6.0 to 1.6.1#

  • Since Kyuubi 1.6.1, kyuubi.ha.zookeeper.engine.auth.type does not fallback to kyuubi.ha.zookeeper.auth.type.
    When Kyuubi engine does Kerberos authentication with Zookeeper, user needs to explicitly set kyuubi.ha.zookeeper.engine.auth.type to KERBEROS.

Upgrading from Kyuubi 1.5 to 1.6#

  • Kyuubi engine gets Zookeeper principal & keytab from kyuubi.ha.zookeeper.auth.principal & kyuubi.ha.zookeeper.auth.keytab.
    kyuubi.ha.zookeeper.auth.principal & kyuubi.ha.zookeeper.auth.keytab fallback to kyuubi.kinit.principal & kyuubi.kinit.keytab when not set.
    Since Kyuubi 1.6, kyuubi.kinit.principal & kyuubi.kinit.keytab are filtered out from Kyuubi engine’s conf for better security.
    When Kyuubi engine does Kerberos authentication with Zookeeper, user needs to explicitly set kyuubi.ha.zookeeper.auth.principal & kyuubi.ha.zookeeper.auth.keytab.