Kyuubi Administer Tool#

Added in version 1.6.0.

Kyuubi administer tool(kyuubi-admin) provides administrators with some maintenance operations against a kyuubi server or cluster.


To install kyuubi-admin, you need to unpack the tarball. For example,

tar zxf apache-kyuubi-1.10.1-bin.tgz

This will result in the creation of a subdirectory named apache-kyuubi-1.10.1-bin shown below,

├── ...
├── bin
|   ├── kyuubi-admin
│   ├── ...
├── ...


bin/kyuubi-admin --help

Refresh config#

Refresh the config with specified type.

Usage: bin/kyuubi-admin refresh config [options] [<configType>]

Config Type



The hadoop conf used for proxy user verification.


The user defaults configs with key in format in the form of ___{username}___.{config key} from default property file.


The users without maximum connections limitation.


The user in the deny list will be denied to connect to kyuubi server.

List Engines#

Prints a table of the key information about the specified engines.

Usage: bin/kyuubi-admin list engine [options]



-et, –engine-type

The engine type. If not specified, it will read the configuration item kyuubi.engine.type from kyuubi-defaults.conf.

-esl, –engine-share-level

The engine share level. If not specified, it will read the configuration item kyuubi.engine.share.level from kyuubi-defaults.conf.

-es, –engine-subdomain

The subdomain for the share level of an engine. If not specified, it will read the configuration item kyuubi.engine.share.level.subdomain from kyuubi-defaults.conf.


The proxy user to impersonate. When specified, it will list engines for the hs2ProxyUser.

List Servers#

Prints a table of the key information about the servers.

Usage: bin/kyuubi-admin list server

Delete an Engine#

Delete the specified engine.

Usage: bin/kyuubi-admin delete engine [options]



-et, –engine-type

The engine type. If not specified, it will read the configuration item kyuubi.engine.type from kyuubi-defaults.conf.

-esl, –engine-share-level

The engine share level. If not specified, it will read the configuration item kyuubi.engine.share.level from kyuubi-defaults.conf.

-es, –engine-subdomain

The subdomain for the share level of an engine. If not specified, it will read the configuration item kyuubi.engine.share.level.subdomain from kyuubi-defaults.conf. Default value is “default”.


The proxy user to impersonate. When specified, it will delete engines for the hs2ProxyUser.